The Value in Great Staff || Seyboth Sessions E81
What is the value in a great staff? In this episode of Seyboth Sessions, Kyle Seyboth discusses how one's sales ability is only as good as the staff behind you. Having a great support staff is important when building a foundation in real estate. When hiring staff, look for good coachable people that care about the business and have aligned goals. Kyle shares his insights into the real estate market and business world in a series of short videos released every Sunday! Don't miss out on the next Seyboth Sessions! Stay Tuned! Read More
Generating Client Referrals in Real Estate Part 2 || Seyboth Sessions E80
Why is generating client referrals in real estate important? In this episode of Seyboth Sessions, Kyle Seyboth discusses how client referrals happen. Being an outstanding agent and earning referrals comes from doing a good job, providing a service, and solving your clients' problems. Kyle shares his insights into the real estate market and business world in a series of short videos released every Sunday! Don't miss out on the next Seyboth Sessions! Stay Tuned! Read More
Generating Client Referrals in Real Estate Part 1 || Seyboth Sessions E79
Why is generating client referrals in real estate important? In this episode of Seyboth Sessions, Kyle Seyboth explains that clients will refer based on past performance. In real estate, genuine client referrals do not come by asking. They happen when an agent provides exemplary service to their client. Read More
Client Retention and Real Estate Part 2 || Seyboth Sessions E78
What is the connection between client retention and real estate? In this episode of Seyboth Sessions, Kyle Seyboth discusses how important it is to make sure your client knows that you are there for them and that they matter. When working with a client, you are working as a team towards a smooth transaction. A happy client is a walking talking billboard for your success as an agent. Kyle shares his insights into the real estate market and business world in a series of short videos released every Sunday! Don't miss out on the next Seyboth Sessions! Stay Tuned! Read More
Client Retention and Real Estate Part 1 || Seyboth Sessions E77
What is the connection between client retention and real estate? In this episode of Seyboth Sessions, Kyle Seyboth explains how client retention has been a pillar of his business for the last 10 years. Giving clients the attention and knowledge needed along with a valuable experience will help retain clients for future transactions to come. Kyle shares his insights into the real estate market and business world in a series of short videos released every Sunday! Don't miss out on the next Seyboth Sessions! Stay Tuned! Read More
Real Estate 101 with Kyle Seyboth || E28 Sump Pumps
What are sump pumps? In episode 28 of Real Estate 101, Kyle Seyboth explains the functionality of sump pumps, as well as their benefits. A sump pump is a positive point of the plumbing that is a precautionary measure for a home. As a real estate agent, it is important to know about these features of a home and why they are there. Real Estate 101: Learn the basics from the best every Wednesday! Kyle shares his insights into the world of real estate in a series of short videos released every week. Read More
Moving Your Goals || Seyboth Sessions E76
Tips for moving your goals in real estate In this episode of Seyboth Sessions, Kyle Seyboth discusses how agents should be setting attainable goals for themselves to reach and to keep moving forward. Goals are adaptable and ever-changing. In real estate, goals should be set in a timeframe and once the goal is reached, another is set. Read More
Real Estate 101 with Kyle Seyboth || E27 PVC PIPES
What are pvc pipes? In episode 27 of Real Estate 101, Kyle Seyboth explains the importance of plumbing with pvc pipes and why they are superior to cast iron pipes. Inspectors may even require cast iron pipes to be replaced with pvc pipes. This is important information to know when selling or buying a home. Read More
INTERVIEW w/ Mike Plummer || All Things Real Estate – E54
In Episode 54 of All Things Real Estate, Kyle is joined by Mike Plummer. Mike Plummer is a lender at Main Street Home Loans. As a lender, Mike is able to help clients achieve their dream of being a homeowner. Mike Plummer and Kyle Seyboth discuss online threats to real estate and the value of localizing the lender process. Read More
Real Estate 101 with Kyle Seyboth || E26 FURNACES VS BOILERS
What is the difference between furnaces vs boilers? In episode 26 of Real Estate 101, Kyle Seyboth explains the difference between furnaces and boilers. The main difference is that a boiler runs forced water, while a furnace runs forced air. As a real estate agent, to keep credibility it is essential to know the difference. Real Estate 101: Learn the basics from the best every Wednesday! Kyle shares his insights into the world of real estate in a series of short videos released every week. Read More